Some students coming out of the best business schools now seriously consider it as a career . and one organization that has helped fuel this growth is ashoka 有些从最好的商业学校出来的学生现在严重的认识到职业问题。有一个组织专门帮助解决这个问题。
The fdi increase easily surpasses the growing speed of the world manufacturing industry and international trade market . the influence of fdi is now seriously overwhelming over the world 随着国际分工的深化和世界经济全球化的发展,外国直接投资规模迅速扩大,其增长速度不仅超过了世界工业生产的增长速度,也超过了国际贸易的增长速度。
A five - year tax holiday . i deeply regret this valuable opportunity lost . i hope that the government will now seriously monitor the effects of this change in competitiveness and the possible drain of funds from hong kong we may have to suffer as a consequence 会计业界多年建议实施此项优惠,可惜未为政府接纳,今年度新加坡政府已捷足先登,引为己用,提供了5年免税优惠,本人为本港失却先机而深感惋惜,并希望政府认真察视这项竞争力的更变而造成基金流失的影响。